Review by [current-user:field-firstname] [current-user:field-lastname] – 08/21/2020 – 12:15pm

Data Request Number: 2020-4416 Is the scientific purpose of the research proposal clearly described?: Yes Will request create or materially enhance generalizable scientific and/or medical knowledge to inform science and public health?: Yes Can the proposed research be reasonably addressed using the requested data?: Unsure, further clarification from requestor is needed Please use this space to provide any comments, feedback or concerns (optional):

In this proposal, the authors aim to assess the effect of canagliflozin compared to placebo on liver-related outcomes in patients with T2DM and to identify subgroups that benefit most from such treatments. This is a realistic proposal, however, in order to help improve clarify, the authors should provide more information about how they will develop the prediction score – how will variables be selected, etc.

Recommendation for this data request: Approve