Partnering with the YODA Project

Data sharing and data transparency are becoming the new standard in pharmaceutical and medical device science. As data sharing methods continue to expand, the YODA Project strives to be an innovative leader and to set standards for the field. The YODA Project approach to data sharing is unique in the following ways:

  • The YODA Project is an independent, academic organization collaborating with Data Partners, removing the perception of influence over access
  • Data Partners have given the YODA Project full jurisdiction to make decisions regarding data access
  • The YODA Project reviews requests and associated registration materials to ensure that all required information is completely submitted, and is committed to facilitating external access to these data for scientific purposes

For inquiries related to partnering with the YODA Project to share clinical trial data, please contact

Data Partners
The Yale University Open Data Access (YODA) Project is currently collaborating with the following Data Partners to facilitate access to their clinical trial program data: