Clinical Trial Inquiries and CSR Summary Requests

Metrics last updated June 1, 2024.

471 Inquiries Received for Trials Not Listed on the Site
502 Unique Trials Requested in Answered Inquiries
14.0 Median Number of Days for Response to Inquiry [IQR, 7.0-31.5]
98.7% Inquiries Answered to Date
50.0% Inquiries (where trial(s) made available) which Led to Full Data Request
Total Unique Trials Requested Across All Answered Inquiries
52.4%Trials Made Available47.6%Trials Cannot Be Made Available

A pie chart visualizing the statistics for Total Unique Trials Requested Across All Answered Inquiries.

Why Trials Are Unavailable

A horizontal bar chart visualizing the statistics for Why Trials Are Unavailable.

Trial completed < 18 mo. ago or ongoing (46.0%)
Regulatory approval not yet received (17.2%)
Phase 1; investigator invited to submit proposal (17.2%)
Data Partner alliance member has not agreed to share (8.8%)
Data cannot be converted to electronic format (4.2%)
Materials are not available in English (3.8%)
Trial is out of scope (i.e., observational, etc.) (2.5%)
Data subject to partner agreement; researcher advised to contact partner (2.1%)
Response to Trial Inquiries

If you have difficulty reading or viewing the graphic chart, it is recommended that you view the tabular data instead.

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A stacked group chart visualizing the statistics for Response to Trial Inquiries.

CSR Summaries Requested and Provided

If you have difficulty reading or viewing the graphic chart, it is recommended that you view the tabular data instead.

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A stacked group chart visualizing the statistics for CSR Summaries Requested and Provided.