Review by Joseph Ross – 12/12/2019 – 5:26pm

Data Request Number: 2019-4078 Is the scientific purpose of the research proposal clearly described?: Yes Will request create or materially enhance generalizable scientific and/or medical knowledge to inform science and public health?: Yes Can the proposed research be reasonably addressed using the requested data?: Unsure, further clarification from requestor is needed Please use this space to provide any comments, feedback or concerns (optional):

This is an interesting study to better understand the use of PANSS in patients. The proposal could be strengthened if the investigators pre-specified the algorithm based on “expert opinion”. It seems as if the investigators are simply comparing/correlating different components of the total and component scores of the PSP, PANSS and Clinical Global Rating of severity (CGI-s). However, more clarity would be useful. And it would be helpful for the investigators to pre-specify what threshold will be used to identify inconsistencies across ratings.

Recommendation for this data request: Approve